Let's Draw Cheesecake Boys - Paul Richmond Studio
Take the art test: http://drawcheesecakeboys.com Do you like to draw or paint or maybe just sketch and doodle? Well if you do, chances are you have the interest needed to become a serious art student. If you've never considered yourself an artist, maybe it's because you haven’t found the right inspiration yet. After all, fruity still lifes don’t do it for everyone. Here at Cheesecake Boys Instruction Schools, we believe students should draw whatever fruity things they like, especially pinup boys! To start, simply visit http://drawcheesecakeboys.com and download our enjoyable art test that has been developed and perfected through years of in-depth study by experts. There’s no cost or obligation. Take the test at home in your spare time and share it with us when your done by posting to social media with #CHEESECAKEBOYS. Our first drawing lesson is coming soon, complete with a real live Cheesecake Boy model. Visit http://drawcheesecakeboys.com today, and your artistic ski...