Tying the Knot: Crafty Creepies Ties & More w/ Joshua Snyder-Hill - Vlog 18 - Paul Richmond Studio

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Today I'm hanging out with my friend Joshua Snyder-Hill and he shows me how he embroiders custom ties and other goodies for his business Crafty Creepies! I first met Joshua and his husband Steve when they organized a bus trip for 25 LGBT couples (including my husband and me) to Washington DC so we could get married in front of the Supreme Court prior to the overturning of DOMA. Steve Snyder-Hill is well known for being the "booed soldier" who asked a question about Don't Ask Don't Tell during a 2011 Republican Presidential Debate that made headlines because none of the candidates stood up for him when the audience acted like a bunch of jerks.

CraftyCreepies on Etsy: http://craftycreepies.patternbyetsy.com
CraftyCreepies on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/craftycreepies
Joshua Snyder-Hill: https://www.youtube.com/user/joshuaeasnyder
Patrick Vincent: https://www.instagram.com/_sould/

Nobathroombill merch benefitting Trans Lifeline
Nobathroombill Tie: http://etsy.me/1Zxkiy7
Nobathroombill Hand Towels: http://etsy.me/25LRKV9
TransLifeline: http://translifeline.org | US: (877) 565-8860 | Canada: (877) 330-6366


Step into the weird and wonderful world of artist Paul Richmond, where anything could go down -- even a pin-up boys' pants! We're all a little high on paint fumes around here, so grab a brush and join the painting party!

Want more?
Website: http://paulrichmondstudio.com
Store: http://paulrichmondstore.com
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