
Showing posts from July, 2008


I’m really excited to have been accepted into a show at the World of Wonder Gallery in Hollywood, CA honoring my diva-of-choice, the fabulous Ms. Dolly Parton! The WOW Gallery specializes in fun, campy pop culture themed exhibits, most recently getting a lot of press for their show “Just Britney” which offered a multitude of artistic takes on Britney Spears. For me, Dolly’s a much more inspiring muse, and I’m busy crafting a painting that is based on the scene from "The Wizard of Oz" when Dorothy meets Glinda--only in my creation, it's a young boy (wearing an oversized pair of red stiletto's, of course) who is watching Dolly descend in a pink bubble. My working title for the piece is "The Dollypop Guild." Check back soon for a glimpse into my crazy childhood of country queen idolatry... Visit the WOW Gallery's MySpace page here: WOW

Caught with my Santa Pants Down!

I recently had two Cheesecake Boy paintings licensed by 10Percent Productions for a naughty little Christmas card series that's available for pre-order now through their website. Click HERE to check out the "Holiday Surprises" set, and HERE for "Brightest of the Holidays." Note to the discerning viewer: Since my highly dignified better half refused to pose for reference shots, I was reduced to using the self-timer option and snapping compromising self-portraits to paint these cards from. While you will never see those photos and I attempted to change the facial features beyond recognition, every one of my friends has seen the resemblence and teased me mercilessly for painting myself as such a trashy glad-tidings bearer. Don we now our gay apparel!

The Circus Show & Other Atrocities

I’m busy working on a new painting for the "2nd Annual Circus Show & Other Atrocities" held at A Bitchin' Space Gallery in Sacramento, CA this September. The exhibit juxtaposes the dark, painful lives of performing animals with the fun, amusing atmosphere of the carnival. In doing research for my contribution, I found some incredibly disturbing video footage of elephants being stabbed with hooks by their trainers, and read about a multitude of other ways in which performing animals are mistreated. I had to approach the piece from an angle that I could relate to, so in addition to an elephant, circus tents, whips, and other more literal references, my tortured animal’s pain is masked by a vibrant splash of drag-queen make-up mimicking that of the ominous clownish, drag queen/ringmaster face (a.k.a my friend Mary on one of our infamous nights of "glamour" shots) looming in the background. For more info about the exhibit, check out: A Bitchin' Space

Gerard's Dolly Jeans

Kudos to my new friend from across the pond, Gerard McGuickin, who recently commissioned a pair of painted Dolly jeans from yours truly to wear to her concert. Apparently, they were a big hit -- so much so that producers filming the show for an upcoming concert dvd pulled him aside and filmed a special segment which may appear in the release. Gerard obviously knows how to work it, and thanks to that, he and his pants are going places! If you're feeling like your pants are a bit dreary after reading this, not to fret. I've got several options available in my online store, or you can contact me to commission a custom design. Just visit: