"The Bear Tamer," oil on canvas by Paul Richmond, 30" x 24" This one's for the bears! My new Cheesecake Boy painting "The Bear Tamer" is the newest painting in my Ringmasters & Fabulous Oddities series. Anything goes under the big top, including this handsome fellow's pants! "The Bear Tamer" is available to purchase through the Lyman-Eyer Gallery. Visit my page on their site for details. It will be held until the exhibition this summer, opening July 6. Small, medium, and large limited-edition prints are currently available in my online store . "The Bear Tamer" (detail), oil on canvas by Paul Richmond, 30" x 24" "The Bear Tamer" (detail), oil on canvas by Paul Richmond, 30" x 24" "The Bear Tamer" (detail), oil on canvas by Paul Richmond, 30" x 24"